After the age of 30, people often start complaining of arthritis and pain and swelling in it and this problem can also increase due to wrong eating. Such problems also increase when the level of uric acid in the body increases. Let’s know the remedies to reduce stomach acid reflux.
Uric acid is a natural waste product in our body from the digestion of purine-rich food. Many problems arise due to its increase in the body. Purines are made and broken down in human body, and some foods contain high amounts of purines. Certain types of meat, beans, beer, etc. are high in purines. Normally the body filters uric acid through urine and kidneys, but if take too much purine in food or if the body is unable to filter it then it starts to build up blood. The increase in uric acid is also called hyperuricemia. This can lead to a disease called Gout, which causes pain in the joints. It can also make the blood and urine very acidic.
When the kidney of human body is not able to do its work properly due to some reason, then the problem of uric acid starts. The function of the kidney is to remove harmful substances from the body, and when the ability of the kidney to perform this function decreases, then urea acid starts accumulating in the body. The increased uric acid starts depositing between the bones and due to this, you start feeling the symptoms of uric acid.
Most of this uric acid is filtered by the kidneys and passes out of the urinary tract, but if uric acid is being built up in the body, or the kidneys are unable to filter it, then the level of uric acid in the blood increases. After sometime this starts accumulating in the bones and you start feeling the symptoms of uric acid. This causes the problem of gout. You can get information about increased levels of uric acid by doing a uric acid test.
Reason to increase Uric Acid
Although people believe that uric acid increases due to diet, but there are other reasons, let’s know about them-if high purine in the diet, uric acid is also formed more
The Uric Acid of the person who drinks alcohol in excess also increases
Uric Acid also increase due to the high amount of iron in the body
People who have high blood pressure, uric acid also increases
Individuals who have high or low thyroid levels, their uric acid increases
Obesity is also believed to be the reason for increasing uric acid.
Wrong diet or eating habitats it can also increase by eating red meat, seafood, lentils, kidney beans, paneer and rice
Staying empty stomach for a long time can also be a reason
Diabetes patients may have uric acid obesity stress
Symptoms of increased uric Acid
- Pain in the joints of your feet starts in the form of uric acid symptoms. Pain is felt in the heels of the feet
- There is swelling in the knots
- Severe pain in the joints in the morning and evening. More of less pain
- Unbearable pain in the ankles of the feet in getting up after sitting in one place for long time, and after some time the pain becomes normal
- Swelling of feet, joints, fingers, knots
- Dizziness in the head is also a symptoms of increased Uric Acid
- Abdominal pain & stomach upset also a symptoms of increased Uric Acid
- Hair loss
- Headache
- Felling weak
- The level of sugar in your body increases in the form of uric acid symptoms
- This disease starts with the joints, especially minor joints. The disease start with severe pain in the fingers and toes or the thumb
- This pain usually occurs at night, the patient does not sleep
- Start having fever, excessive thirst as the symptoms of uric acid
- There is vibration in the body
- Redness and swelling in the joints
Remedies to reduce stomach acid reflux
Apart from illness, the problem of increasing uric acid is usually due to an unbalanced diet and lifestyle. For this, uric acid levels can be brought under control to some extent by making some changes in your lifestyle and diet.
- The person who has a high level of uric acid, do not eat high protein foods
- Do not consume pheasant and deer meat, as well as some internal organs such as liver, kidney, etc.
- Fish like trout, tuna, etc. to be avoided, when uric acid increases
- Avoid sea creatures like crab, shrimp when uric acid is elevated
- Avoid sugary drinks, which have high sugar content when uric acid increases
- Do not consume honey and foods that contain high fructose
- All types of vegetables can be eaten in the problem of uric acid
- All types of dry fruits should be fed to those suffering from uric acid
- Eat oats, brown rice, and barley among whole grains
- All types of fruits are beneficial in the problem of uric acid. A fruit call ed cherry reduces the level of uric acid. This fruit helps in reducing swelling as well as pain
- All low-fat dairy products are beneficial for uric acid patients
- Patients with uric acid should be fed eggs
- Consume coffee, tea, and green tea
- Exercising everyday gives relief from acid
- Good sleep is also important

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Remedies to control uric Acid
Generally, people first resort to home remedies to control uric acid. Let us go ahead to know which are the home remedies that can control the level of uric acid-
Lemon: Home Remedies for High Uric Acid Consuming lemon water is very beneficial. It is a panacea for those whose uric acid has increased. Vitamin C is found in plenty of lemons. It produces an acidic effect due to which the level of uric acid is reduced. Wake up in the morning and consume it by squeezing lemon in a glass of lukewarm water.
vitamin C: Consuming fruits rich in vitamin C will prove to be very helpful in reducing uric acid. Along with this, fruit juices like cherry, blueberry, help reduce the increased uric acid level in the body.
Baking Soda: Home Remedies for High Uric Acid Baking soda is a panacea for reducing uric acid. Mixing half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and taking it for two weeks reduces the level of uric acid.
Apple Cider Vinegar: Home Remedies to Reduce High Uric Acid Not only apples but apple cider vinegar is also used to cure many diseases. Mix two spoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and consume it twice a day. Consume it continuously for two weeks. By doing this the level of uric acid gets reduced.
Ajwain: Home Remedies for High Uric Acid The level of uric acid gradually starts decreasing by consuming ajwain seeds. It can also be used while cooking. This remedy gives benefits. Control Uric Acid with Water.
Water: Home Remedies to Reduce High Uric Acid) By keeping the body hydrated, and it can reduce the level of uric acid. The proper level of water in the body is necessary to flush out uric acid. That’s why one should keep drinking water every once in a while. Uric acid is rapidly released from the kidneys by drinking a lot of water. Always carry a water bottle with you. The water reminder alarm can be set to remind on your phone.
Olive Oil: Home Remedy to Reduce High Uric Acid Level A diet made in olive oil or olive oil is beneficial for the body. It contains nutrients like Vitamin E, which reduces uric acid. It is a very good Ayurvedic medicine to reduce uric acid.
Apple cider vinegar: apple cider vinegar, mixed with water is also beneficial. Doctors also give some medicines to reduce the level of uric acid, which are given according to the health condition and the nature of the body. Taking the help of a doctor would prove to be a better solution.
Amla: Home Remedies to Reduce Increased Amount of Uric Acid Amla is a panacea for uric acid. Drink Amla juice mixed with aloevera juice.
Raw Papaya: A raw papaya and cut it in the middle and separate the seeds. Now boil it in 2 liters of water for 5 minutes. Filter this water after cooling it and then drink it 2 to 3 times a day.
High fiber food: Consuming high fiber food is also helpful in reducing the increased uric acid. It helps absorb uric acid. Apart from this, grape seeds are used in medicines for many diseases.
Green coriander: Green coriander is rich in antioxidants and acts as a diuretic in a way. Consuming plenty of it and its juice will get rid of arthritis and other problems.
Garlic: Eating 2-3 garlic on an empty stomach helps in getting rid of increased acid.
In today’s lifestyle, it has become a common thing to increase the amount of uric acid in the body. Many diseases can be avoided with diet, exercise, and a good lifestyle. There are many such foods, with the help of which the level of uric acid can be worked. The best way to make a weekly plan. Make your list of what you can eat. When you feel the symptoms of uric acid, then you can diagnose the disease by doing a uric acid test.
Although uric acid comes out in the form of urine. sometimes it starts accumulating in the body itself. Due to which it keeps growing in the body. When there is pain, redness, and swelling in the joints of the feet, there is severe pain in the thumb and fingers. The doctor should be consulted as soon as possible in case of emergency condition of the patient.