Dear friends, you all have selected this platform to learn how to Practice Tratak on Flame. This article provides complete information about Tratak on the flame most efficiently. Commitment, Enthusiasm as well and Hard Work are necessary to achieve success. Commitment should not deviate under any circumstances. To get Success the following precautionary measures as provided should be followed strictly. Without any delay, let’s know the details about the tratak on flame.

Essential precautions to practice Tratak on Flame
How to practice tratak on flame provides the essential precautions to avoid any negative impact on the seeker. Following precautions should be followed strictly to practice tratak on flame.
- Tratak on flame should not be performed in a state of exhaustion, illness, or an acute stress condition.
- Do not practice tratak during pregnancy.
- Does not perform tratak on flame immediately after meals.
- Before practicing tratak on flame, first of all, he should make sure that he has to practice on the candle or the lamp.
- one important thing to the practitioners- many of the practitioners start practicing tratak on the flame in the initial stage, they should not do so. First, practice tratak on dot, when the practice of tratak on dot is done without any interruption for an hour, then one should think about tratak on flame.
- When the practitioner has practiced for one hour on the dot and has not faced any obstruction (burning sensation) in one hour’s practice, then start practicing on the flame of the lamp.
- If the practitioner does not have time, then in such a state the practice of tratak on dot should be 30-40 minutes. The reason for this is also that in the practice of dot tratak the outer layer of the eyes of the matured seeker becomes habitual to tolerate the effect of air.
- While practicing tratak on flame the practitioner’s eyes are at a distance of one and a half meters, only then the effect of the heat of the flame impacts his eyes, so it is necessary to practice dot tratak first.
- When the seeker has to practice tratak on flame, then first make sure that it is to be practiced on a candle or a lamp of ghee.
- While practicing on the flame, keep this in mind- this type of flame should be practiced from which the smoke is coming out because the carbon will reach the lungs through the breath of the seeker and the outer layer of the eyes will also be affected.
- one should practice flame tratak on a ghee lamp, in which carbon monoxide gas does not come out.
- Practice on flame tratak always be done inside the closed room, so that there should not be any effect of the gust of wind will fall on the flame of the lamp.
- due to the effect of the gust, the flame of the lamp will start burning, Shaffer’s practice could not be done.
- Before practice, ensure that the window of the room is not open, if it is open, then close it.
- It should also be kept in mind that, at the time of practice, the practitioner should get a sufficient amount of pure oxygen.
- The height of the flame of the lamp should be parallel to the eyes, as it was while practicing at the dot.
- There should be no noise of any kind inside the room. provides a complete guide to practice tratak on dot for the seekers
Click below to practice Tratak on Dot
Techniques of flame tratak meditation
- Keep the lamp at a point, so that the height of the lamp and the height of the eyes are equal.
- One important thing while practicing tratak on the flame is that the seeker should look at the tip of the flame i.e the upper tip. It is not to be seen in the form of the whole.
- Try to fix the sight on the upper part of the flame (0 Tip).
- After some time, the seeker will start to feel that there is a slight warmth in the eyes while doing tratak on the flame, after 10 minutes only a slight burning sensation starts happening. Probably after 10-15 minutes due to a burning sensation, there is a need to close the eyes.
- Now he should close his eyes, and sit calmly, do not try to open the eyes immediately.
- if there are tears, then gently wipe the cloth by placing the cloth over the eyes with a folded cloth. Do not apply any pressure on the eyes, the eyes should be kept closed.
- When the irritation subsides, then open your eyes again and start practicing tratak on flame.
- These methods are right to calm the burning of the eyes. This method is only for the ordinary practitioner, but those practitioners who want to be guided by Tratak by doing rigorous meditation and also practicing yoga have to use tratak for hypnosis or for other types of activities, then the seeker has to make a habit of bear this burning sensation to make the eyes lustrous.
- Unless you make a habit of tolerating the burning sensation, then you will not be able to become great, not be able to become proficient in tratak, and will not be able to perform complex and big tasks with tratak.
- In this way, 20-25 minutes of practice at the beginning of the flame tratak is enough because the practice of dot tratak has already been done, so the practice of flame tratak will start for a long time.
- When the practice of seeker is completed 30-40 minutes of flame, then should practice tratak in the dark room.
- For above, switch off the lights of the room, then try to practice tratak on the flame only when there is complete darkness in the room. With such practice, the impact of the light of the flame is higher than earlier.
- if there is a burning sensation in the eyes while practicing tratak, then after practicing, cold water should be splashed in the eyes, and fill the cold water inside the mouth for some time, then let it sit outside.
- Again, fill the mouth with cold water and close the mouth. Keep doing this for a few days, then the burning of the eyes will subside.
- If there is a lot of burning sensation in the eyes, then the practitioner should lie down and apply a cold bandage on the eyes, do this till the burning of the eyes subsides.
- Now the seeker has t
- o sleep, how much he has to practice flame tratak. Well, normally 30-40 minutes of practice of tratak is a lot.
Feelings of the Seekers During Flame Meditation
How to practice Tratak on Flame Article provides the magnetic feelings of Flame Tratak meditation.
- When the seeker’s practice of tratak on the flame is stabilized for 20-25 minutes, then the seeker starts seeing the color of smoke in the inner part of the flame.
- This smoky color is similar to the color of flame. It is the color air element.
- If the lamp’s flame has not been observed, the smoke color will not be visible. A small ring made of light is visible.
- The color of the air element is white. Practitioners call it a white-like color because of its earthy color.
- In the practice of tratak on flame, the eyes of the seeker begin to look stunning, if the practice is done more the eyes of the seekers have become more lustrous than before.
- If the practice is done on the flame first for 40 Minutes (in the middle light) then the light of the flame will change automatically only after 20 minutes.
- With this type of practice, the eyes start getting brighter than before.
- Able to do compels and big things through tratak.
Friends, apart from this, Tratak Meditation gives even better results. In this article, you just learned about the Tratak on Flame Meditation. More articles will continue for you guys on Tratak Meditation like Tratak on Mirror, Tratak on Sun etc. You are requested to keep this site in your mind and also read other articles, you will also get to know a lot and enjoy. Will discuss these related topics in the future. Till then let’s adjourn this article here. Be Healthy & Be Happy.
Disclaimer: Tratak on Flame should always be done under the supervision of a guru/expert.